COVID-19: Space-Time Visualization of Infection Risk in Japan

COVID-19: Space-Time Visualization of Infection Risks in Japan

COVID-19: Space-Time Visualization of Infection Risks in Japan

COVID-19: Space-Time Visualization of Infection Risks in Japan

This three-dimensional graph shows the risk of infection based on the location information of COVID-19 cases reported in Japan between March 2020 and December 2020.

The about 12,000 dots on a map indicate the locations of cases. The height from the ground surface indicates the date of the reported cases. For example, a height of 0 meters corresponds to December 31, and each rise of about 500 meters indicates one day earlier.

The objects, such as a bubble, above many cities visualize the density of infection risk.
The colors of the objects indicate the risk level:
Red: Five or more cases occurred per day within a four-square-kilometer area.
Yellow: One or more cases occurred per day within a four-square-kilometer area.
Blue: One or more cases occurred per four days within a four-square-kilometer area.

In the early days, the highest risk appeared in crowded areas of the city center. Then the highest risk decreased over time, and slightly higher risks spread to the suburbs through the transportation network.

Data visualization by Masaki Yamabe (Keio University)
Scientific advisor and technical support by Tomoki Nakaya (Tohoku University)
Scientific research support by NHK and NHK Educational Corp.
Data provided by JX PRESS Corp.




東北大学大学院中谷友樹教授らが開発したこのアルゴリズムの提供を受け、私とNHKのチームでは8Kの高解像度表示のためのシステム「NMAPS」での可視化と映像化を行った。制作した映像は、NHKスペシャル「新型コロナ“第3波” 危機は乗り切れるのか」NHKクローズアップ現代+「ビッグデータで読み解く 新型コロナの“今後”」で放送された。


